. ' .: ` :: : `: ' `. / \ .' `. . -- . . . -- . . `. _ _ .' . `._ _.' \( . )/ `._ _.' / `_ . _' \ :: \ : / :: :::: `. . . | . . . .' :::: ::: :::: ```` |\ _ __.i| S!._ /| '''' :::: ::: :::... | \__________. .__________/ | ...::: :::::: | | | | :::::: :: _. | | | | ._ :: . _ __\| | _______.' `._______ | |/__ _ . ._________ |_ |____. . . .____| _| _________. _| \| | | |/ |_ . \| " | | " |/ . . _.i(\ \ ' | | ' / /)i._ . """______|\ ' ` . /|______""" | "|_\ E M B R A C E . /_|" | ___| ____ _ _ ____________ i |___ ' | | |/ "| | ` ! ! ._____________ ' ! _____________ ______ _______________/ /________________ __________ _______// | _______ /_______ /_____ ______/ _______/ / . |/ _| _/_ _/ _/ _ | / _____/ /| " . \_ | \ ' | `.__ _____/ _______________/ |____/|_____| |____|\____________________//_____________ . ___ /_____________________| . . . | \ / . ' | .___.' | . ___|_ \/ |__________.| _ __| `S! _|___ . |/ ._ `.______________. `. \| / |___ _ . \ /. : .\ /_|____________ .______..-' _|_\ |____________|____________ ____________|____________| | | | | |____________|___________|____________| . | |__________i| . . : | | _i| _ |_____..i|_|| `'-. "``-.! ` ' P r o u d l y . P r e s e n t s . . . _ _________________________|( \.-.___________`-.___ _ ___________ | | | VMware Fusion v4.0.1 | | (c) VMware | | date : 14 Sep, 2o11 size : 37 disks/5.00 MB | | os : MacOSX language : English | | type : Virtualization | | protection : Base32+SHA1 | |_____________________________________________________________. | ______________________________________________________ : | .' : ._ | |__________________________________________________. | _. |/ | | \| < __ [ r e l e a s e . i n f o ] __ > \ | | / \ | Seamlessly run your favorite Windows applications and | / \| devices, on any Intel-based Mac. Built from the ground up |/ ` for the Mac, VMware Fusion is the easiest way to switch to ' . Mac; letting you bring all of your Windows applications . : with you, making the most of your Windows software : | investment, while providing the perfect safety blanket for | | the switch. | | | | * Break Down the Walls Between Windows and Mac | | | | With the powerful Unity feature, VMware Fusion seamlessly | | integrates your Windows applications with your Mac. | | Instantly launch Windows applications from any Mac file, | | the Dock, and more. Minimize Windows applications to the | | Dock and even quickly switch between Windows and Mac | | applications with Expose. | | | | * Safest Way to Run Windows on the Mac | | | | VMware Fusion makes your Windows-on-Mac experience the | | safest possible with a suite of features to keep Windows | | safe and sound. From automated, timed snapshots, to | | embedded antivirus and antispyware software, VMware Fusion | | keeps Windows on your Mac sparkling. | | | | * Mac-like and User Friendly | | | | Built from the ground up for Mac users, with an obsessive | | eye towards being a good Mac citizen VMware Fusion is the | | easiest, most Mac-friendly way to run Windows on the Mac. A | | Mac-first user interface ensures that users get the | | features they expect, like customizable tool bars, | | searchable Apple help, Boot Camp support, dock notification | | integration, and more. | | | | * Power to Burn | | | | Based on the most advanced virtualization engine the world | | has ever known, the result of more than a decade of | | development, VMware Fusion brings all the power of VMware's | | enterprise-proven technology to the Mac. | | | | INSTALL NOTES: | | | | 1. Install | | 2. Open a terminal | | 3. chmod +x keygen | | 4. ./keygen | | | | Enjoy ... | | __|__ __ |_ E n j o y . . . /\ \\ ` |_|_____________________________________________________ __/ \____\\ )/\ \ / / :::::::::::::::: [ g r o u p . i n f o ] ::::::::::: " \_\/____/ _ ____________________________________________________ _ / /\ |_| /____/ \ | It is 2010, and we are still here, almost 10 years `" \ / | old. We strive to bring you quality above all else, .____\/ | and hope to inspire other groups to do the same. | | | | Let us set an example, and motivate future generations | | to learn reverse engineering, and join the scene. | __ __|__ | ' // /\ We hope that, with your help, we can continue to | //____/ \__ tackle every protection. | \ \ / / | \____\/_/ Contact information: contact-emb@qq.com | /\ \ . | / \____\ E M B R A C E .:: | \ / "' established in October 2000 . .: .:::: | \/____. _ _______________________ ______________________________| __/ /_ [ g r e e |_ __/ i n g s ] i.___________________________/ /_______________________________.i | | | | | SSG TMG ECLiPSE ZWT AGAiN SHOCK LND CAFE DAMN TNO BAT | : ACME ADDICTION NULL DI AiR : . . . ... and to all our old members: may you one day find . ' | your way back to us! ... | ` i | | i __| |_ From the sky we will rise and conquer like we did so _| |___ /\ __ many times before, we will show the spirit of .. __ /\ / \__/\ ....... /\__/ \ \ / \ `:::' .. / \ / \/_ \ :::::: ::. ` .:: :::::: `: :: :::::: / _\/ / \___ _ : ...: : `:' : : ...:. : : : _ ___/ \ \ / :..... : :. .: : :.....: : :....: \ / \ / `:' \ / \ / :. .: E M B R A C E ! \ / \/__ _ `:' _ __\/